Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Joe Biden: An Embarrassment To America

Joe Biden: An Embarrassment To America

Joe Biden: An Embarrassment To America
Dear America – a pervy, gaffe-prone septuagenarian wants to be your next President, and his first significant, public order of business is to malign the country he wants to lead while giving a speech overseas.
See, all you Trumpies and your orange deity are an embarrassment to Joe Biden, and he’s not afraid to tell the world that this whole Trump experiment is just not who we are.
Speaking on German soil 75 years after the U.S. and its allies prepared for D-Day, Joe Biden described America as “an embarrassment” and its trade policies “self-defeating.” 
“The America I see values basic human decency, not snatching children from their parents or turning our back on refugees at our border. Americans know that’s not right,” the former vice president and potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate told the Munich Security Conference. “The American people understand plainly that this makes us an embarrassment. The American people know, overwhelmingly, that it is not right. That it is not who we are.”
Now, I don’t know about you all, but I’m sick and tired of being told by liberals who I am.
I’m sick and tired of being instructed who I am by a man who was Vice President when children were being separated from parents at the border, and whose DHS Secretary admitted as much, but whose administration conveniently did not keep track of separations, and who now sees it fit to criticize the policy that existed under his boss.  Joe Biden claims that’s not who we are, even though that’s exactly who he was between 2009 and 2017.
I’m sick and tired of being told who I am by someone who belongs to the party of anti-Semitism and economic illiteracy – the party of Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
I’m sick and tired of being told who I am by a member of the political party that threatened, maligned, denigrated, and condemned a Supreme Court nominee based on nothing but lies, that hurls accusations of racism at conservatives, while allowing it to fester in their own ranks.
I’m sick and tired of being told who I am by people who despise achievement and strive to take away the fruits of others’ labor because they feel some have too much.
And I’m sick and tired of being told who I am by people who discount the fact that I am a legal immigrant, whose family had to jump through a myriad of bureaucratic hoops to come to this country and take advantage of the opportunities that exist here, and who lump me in the same category as lawbreakers who jumped the fence because they felt themselves entitled to be here.
Guess we weren’t an embarrassment when it was Obama and Biden keeping kids in cages.
Guess we weren’t an embarrassment when the Obama administration was funneling guns to Mexican cartels in a botched ATF operation.
Guess we weren’t an embarrassment when Russian President Putin outplayed Obama in Syria in 2013, while Obama pretended his “red lines” didn’t exist.
Guess we weren’t an embarrassment when the Obama Administration lied to the entire country about being able to keep our doctors if we liked them.
But we’re apparently an embarrassment now.
We’re such an embarrassment, that caravans consisting of thousands of migrants are traveling hundreds of miles and are breaking through our borders just so they can work, achieve, and live in relative safety.
We’re such an embarrassment that millions more are clamoring to be allowed to immigrate here.
We are the country of technological advances, of rags-to-riches achievers, of unparalleled technological innovations and medical advances.
And yet, Joe Biden considers us an “embarrassment,” while insisting on becoming our leader.
Embarrassing? That’s rich coming from Creepy Uncle Joe.

If America is such an embarrassment, perhaps Joe should turn in his passport and stay in Germany.

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