Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A false charge of “phony” scandals

A false charge of “phony” scandals

by Scott Johnson in Benghazigate, IRS, Obama Administration Scandals

In his soporific Galesburg speech earlier this week, President Obama criticized attention to the scandals that seem to have something to do with his administration. He asserted that the scandals are “phony.”
He wasn’t naming names or getting specific, but I’m pretty sure he included Benghazigate and the IRS targeting of conservative groups. Obama brought all his characteristic eloquence to bear: “With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball.” Sensing he was short a cliche, Obama threw in a condemnation of “gridlock.” He asserted that the “gridlock” has gotten worse in the past six month. He added: “I am here to say this needs to stop.”
Jay Carney previewed the “phony” line with Joe Scarborough and got a little pushback from Scarborough. Scarborough asked: How can you say the IRS scandal is phony? Carney’s answer: It depends on the meaning of “phony.” (Transcript here.)

Carney noted that the IRS scandal hadn’t reached the White House. It hasn’t reached the White House yet. The congressional investigations are ongoing. They have made substantial progress. The scandal has reached the IRS Office of Chief Counsel. No wonder Obama wants to shut down further investigation.
And note how Carney cites the behavior of the clueless.compliant mainstream media as proof that the IRS scandal is “phony.” If CNN falls for the Democratic line of the day, well, then, there’s no scandal!
Speaking of scandal, the media’s pitiful performance by itself warrants comment. by Mike Hashimoto of the Dallas Morning News noted the obvious.
And Benghazigae remains shrouded in secrecy. We know that the administration peddled a — what’s the word? — “phony” story about a video inspiring the the attack until the story collapsed. We haven’t yet heard from any of the survivors. We still don’t know what Obama was doing as our fellow citizens were killed, although we have a pretty good idea. Noah Rothman has more here.
As for the comprehensive dishonesty of the Obama administration, is there anyone here to say this needs to stop?

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