Saturday, September 19, 2009

More briliant deconstruction of racism charge

"A Tackle Box Full of Race Bait"
Hearing racism whether or not it’s warranted is called prejudice.By Jonah Goldberg:

"Of all the poisonous, ugly, and intellectually vapid controversies ginned up in my lifetime, the current breakout of St. Vitus’ Dance over the “racist” opposition to Barack Obama may be the most egregious.Al Sharpton tells CNN’s Larry King that decent and racially sensitive Americans shouldn’t let a small minority make health care into a “racial issue.”Someone in the control room surely yelled, “Cue the laugh track!”In case you don’t get the joke, this entire “debate” over whether opposition to Obama’s health-care reform is racist is totally, completely, and in every way conceivable an invention of the Left.

"Meanwhile, no significant conservative politician, pundit, or intellectual has said that they object to Obama’s agenda because he’s black. Rather, they’ve said they oppose his agenda for precisely the same reasons they oppose Nancy Pelosi’s and Harry Reid’s and Barney Frank’s agendas.

"They stand athwart Obama yelling “Stop!” just as they did with Clinton and Democratic presidents before him.Magically, the alchemic powers of Obama’s black skin transmogrify the same arguments and the same rhetoric into racism. Saying “you’re wrong” to a white politician is a disagreement; saying it to a black politician is like shouting through Bull Connor’s megaphone.It’s been said that a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich. Well, these people can indict a ham sandwich for being racist. ...

"Left-wing writers spent the week droning on about how it’s now racist to say “I want my country back.” These amnesiacs are blissfully unaware that “taking back” America was the rallying cry of the Democratic party for eight years under George W. Bush. Anti-white racists all?...

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