Thursday, July 2, 2009

It’s called “Madoff medicine, by Hugh Hewitt, because it is a massive ripoff, Ponzi scheme destruction of America’s health care: Friday, 6/19, 9:22 AM post:
“This is a weekend of great significance on the domestic side of American politics as well as reality about the fiscal and operational impacts of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid proposal to radically restructure American medicine hits home. Yesterday the Washington Post's liberal blogger Ezra Klein declared the Obama plan in deep trouble. The New York Times and Post today tell you why: It is ruinously, outrageously expensive, producing the sort of gigantic costs that would almost certainly lead to deep rationing, and very quickly. The Times story references a Senate Finance Committee proposal for an "an automatic mechanism would be triggered to achieve those spending reductions" required by ballooning deficits --which is a long winded way of saying "mandatory rationing of medicine."

This scheme for a vast expansion of government and enormous run of the money printing press is proposed against the backdrop of out-of-control Medicare spending. The new "government option" would crush private insurance very quickly and leave the federal government with only one option to pay for the giant obligations it gathered up to itself --limit or cancel those obligations via federal rules that tightly control what sort of treatment can be given to patients.

They ought to call this scheme "Madoff Medicine," given that what the Democrats are pushing is a giant fraud that cannot possibly deliver on the promises being made. The danger is that there are slim majorities in both houses that will take a rhetorical win --a political poster really-- as worth the enormous cost of the unraveling of American medicine. Our current system is expensive and often unwieldy, but it works, and those with insurance greatly value it and the freedom of choice it provides. The Obama plan proposes to destroy all of that in exchange for the (hyped) promise of universal coverage. The president continues to say that if you like your plan you will be able to keep it --a deeply dishonest characterization of his proposals which will lead to the dumping by employers of their employees into the government plan. It is a giveaway that the president cannot level with the public about what he is proposing. Watch to see if ABC calls him on that next week…”

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