Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It is a war, a cultural, political war to preserve a free American enterprise system

If you have a few minutes, you must read some or all of Roger Kimball's well-put-together piece on Arthur Brooks' WSJ article about the effort by Obama and Dems to destroy, yes destroy, capitalism in America. It's all that stands between a free America with individual liberty and the world socialist conglomerate of which America will only be the enabler and financial provider for.

"A specter is haunting America — the specter of freedom. Even as President Obama proceeds with his efforts to impoverish the country, the productive classes of society are waking from their dogmatic slumbers and banding together. ..."

"Mr. Brooks is right that the battle we face is a battle of ideas. “Social Democrats,” he writes,
are working to create a society where the majority are net recipients of the “sharing economy.” They are fighting a culture war of attrition with economic tools. Defenders of capitalism risk getting caught flat-footed with increasingly antiquated arguments that free enterprise is a Main Street pocketbook issue. Progressives are working relentlessly to see that it is not.
Advocates of free enterprise must learn from the growing grass-roots protests, and make the moral case for freedom and entrepreneurship. They have to declare that it is a moral issue to confiscate more income from the minority simply because the government can. It’s also a moral issue to lower the rewards for entrepreneurial success, and to spend what we don’t have without regard for our children’s future."

And, a short piece from May, from NRO: "Obama declares war on capital"

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