Friday, December 15, 2023




Rasmussen Reports has polled voters on, among other things, their use of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, in conjunction with the Heartland Institute. The results, if even remotely representative, are stunning. Cheating may be far more widespread than is generally assumed:

21% of Likely U.S. voters who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election say they filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child [Ed.: That is illegal], while 78% say they didn’t.

Thirty percent (30%) of those surveyed said they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election. Nineteen percent (19%) of those who cast mail-in votes say a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full, on their behalf. Furthermore, 17% of mail-in voters say that in the 2020 election, they cast a ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

If 30% of voters voted by mail, and 17% of those cast a ballot in a state where they didn’t live–presumably taking the opportunity to vote in a swing state where possible–we are talking about millions of illegal votes that could very possibly have swung states from one column to the other. It is easy to vote by mail-in ballot in a state where you don’t live, and show up at the polls in the state where you do live.

But this will be shocking to most:

Among those who cast mail-in ballots in 2020, nearly equal percentages of Democrats, Republicans and unaffiliated voters admitted to fraudulent activities. For example, 19% of Republicans, 16% of Democrats and 17% of unaffiliated voters who cast 2020 mail-in ballots say they signed a ballot or ballot envelope on behalf of a friend or family member. On the question of voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident. more Republican mail-in voters (24%) than Democrats (17%) or unaffiliated voters (11%) admitted doing so.

On the other hand, there were a lot more Democratic mail-in voters, which tips the balance somewhat to the Dems.

This isn’t surprising, except that the percentages are so large:

Minority voters are significantly more likely than whites to say they engaged in fraudulent election activities in 2020. For example, whites (3%) are much less likely than black voters (15%), Hispanics (29%) or other minorities (8%) to say someone offered to pay them to vote in 2020.

Rasmussen doesn’t seem to have asked how many took the Dems up on their offers. (I assume that substantially all such offers came from the Democrats, as suggested by the demographic breakdown and common experience.)

Young people seem to be especially insouciant about engaging in voter fraud:

Younger voters are significantly more likely to admit to engaging in fraudulent election activity. For example, 31% of voters under 40 who voted by mail in 2020 say they cast a mail-in ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident, compared to 11% of those ages 40-64 and just two percent (2%) of voters 65 and older.

Just one more sign of how our democratic republic is decaying, with worse yet to come. Trillions of dollars are at stake in every election because our governments at all levels are much too powerful, and our elections are basically on the honor system. What do you think is going to happen?

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