Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Don's Tuesday Column

       THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson   Red Bluff Daily News   8/31/2021

Biden, not Taliban-ISIS, made us lose

Observations on the “Worst Day for America’s Strategic Interests Since Pearl Harbor” (Sebastian Gorka) will follow thoughts on local vaccine mandates.

So, COVID-19 vaccinations may be required for teachers to keep their jobs. If true, that would be, for Tehama County, a betrayal of personal freedom over the heretofore sacred “my body, my choice” value of the left. There’s not even the chimera of liberty if such vaccinations now become a condition of continued employment for our educators.

I’m a fan of teachers, even the mediocre ones (your fellow teachers know who you are); their unions—not so much. However, public employee unions—whose entire existence comes courtesy of the taxpaying private sector citizenry—should step up on behalf of their members’ personal, physical freedom to control their own bodies. News reports point to law enforcement unions, as well as S.E.I.U. groups stepping up for their members’ rights. Mandatory shots are evil.

We’ve been wisely vaccinated for our own protection. This writer strongly encourages readers to consider their risk due to age, health conditions, obesity etc. Evaluate how little you really stand to lose from the marginal adverse reactions—compared to potentially weeks of respiratory hell, even death from the Wuhan Flu. We lost a month of skiing during the H1N1 “swine influenza” of ’09 to ’10; the memory remains of being so bed ridden as to dread walking 20 feet to the bathroom, let alone outside to enjoy springtime.

However, the only ones suffering from not being vaccinated are the unvaccinated themselves; they can’t spread it to the vaccinated. Those who’ve had even asymptomatic COVID (our 40-year-old “big boned” neighbor had it, hardly knew it, but science says he’s now immune) have nearly zero risk from the “un-poked.” Under-17 children without underlying health issues have a vanishingly small risk of serious or deadly infection.

The same quasi-religious fervor, even fanaticism, from the same self-appointed “minders,” lofty politicians, and petty fellow citizens—that we’ve seen over racial, social equity, and environmental/climate issues—now rears its ugly, despotic head over mask and vaccine mandates. Refuse, don’t comply, speak out, resist, but don’t risk your health to make a statement of independence. Reject media hysteria.

Does our titular leader, Joe Biden, have blood on his hands from the suicide bombing outside the Kabul airport, killing 13 of our finest young warriors and 170 Afghans? Those inspired by Islamic fanaticism to slay infidels without regard for fellow Muslims, wearing high-explosive vests and setting them off, bear direct culpability. Biden’s and his generals’ responsibilities are not evaded, however, when every decision, motivation and action created conditions where such murdering scum could accomplish their deeds.

Townhall.com’s Matt Vespa, one day before the attack: “The Biden team knew a collapse was possible. They had multiple memos from the intelligence community and the State Department saying so. They did nothing. They promised our European allies that Kabul would remain secure in June. That was a lie. British Parliament censured Biden which undercuts the president’s lie that our allies are not all that mad at us.

“The man is eons behind what’s happening. Does he know what’s going on? This is a true crisis. We’re primed to have a hostage situation with an enemy that knows we want out and might just pay multiple ransoms should they just pick up stranded Americans left and right. But it’s ok because Joe Biden has a super awesome plan for universal pre-K.”

The headline on Douglas Murray’s piece is, “Can the world afford another three and a half years of President Biden?” The subhead is “Britain has grown used to a strong America. Now, it must contend with a weak leadership in retreat.” It gets worse from there. (Donald Trump’s agreed pullout was “conditions based”—he has no responsibility)

Elsewhere, Iain Duncan Smith writes, “Biden’s colossal mess is even worse than we thought…This tragic mess comes back to President Biden. He owns every decision – and the consequences are also his…In reality, of course, there was nothing inevitable about the violence and chaos of the withdrawal.

“Meanwhile, officials have been letting it be known that Biden was indeed warned that the Afghan security services were likely to crumble in the face of the Taliban. He was even warned that if he shut Bagram airbase, he would cut off Afghan forces from their vital air support (a significant factor in their collapse) and lose the best place to evacuate from. He seems to have ignored that advice as well.

“That’s why, nearly eight hours after yesterday’s attack, when Biden ghosted into the White House East Room, he looked shell shocked. After all, in the last eighteen months, there have been no US or allied casualties in Afghanistan, no terrorist attacks from Afghanistan, and the Taliban were being held at bay by the Afghan forces, supported by NATO. In a matter of a few weeks, all of that has been thrown away, leaving the whole of NATO having to rely on the factional Taliban for their security.”

Also from Vespa: “There’s a reason why Osama bin Laden didn’t want his operatives to target Joe Biden,” which was (according to OBL’s own May 2010 letter) that targeting “Obama or Petraeus…will make Biden take over…Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis.”

Let the record state that Democrats lost Vietnam when they reneged on the binding promise by the U.S. to resupply their well-trained military; Democrats, not President Ford (who begged Dems to support South Vietnam as agreed), cut off America’s lifeline. Democrats betrayed the free people of that nation for cheap ideological, political, anti-war fanaticism—just like they have done to Afghanistan.

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