Friday, February 12, 2021

Impeachment 2.0 Is Dems Giving the Finger to Unity Forever

Impeachment 2.0 Is Dems Giving the Finger to Unity Forever

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
Second Impeachment Trial Is Final Nail In the Unity Coffin

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I’ve never played Clue.

The dismantling of our beloved Republic is continuing at quite a breakneck pace. I fully expect President Puppet to completely lose it and soon issue an executive order in which he declares the United States Constitution to be unconstitutional. I know I shouldn’t joke about things like that because they might come true now that we are this far through the looking glass. It’s a bad LSD trip now. Biden might run out to the Rose Garden in the middle of the night wearing footie pajamas and say that ferrets are sacred alien beings that are now our overlords.

We all know that the old boy doesn’t really have this much stamina. They probably just wake him up from naps a few times a day and tell him to sign his name. The people pulling his strings, however, seem to be working 24/7.

This was the team that promised a benevolent grandpa president who was going to heal the divisions that were supposedly created by ORANGE MAN BAD.

I bring it up again because they keep doing it. If all of the “blah, blah, blah” about healing and unity were at all real goals the Dalai Biden could have gone a long way towards achieving them by doing just one thing: by telling Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to back off of this sham kangaroo court impeachment proceeding.

Of course, we are well beyond that point now. I’m just pointing it out to reinforce the fact that virtually everything Team Biden said in order to get elected was a bald-faced lie.

The Democrats are getting underway with yet another public exercise of daddy issues, wasting time and taxpayer dollars in what will amount to nothing more than an on-camera diaper filling. They get to spend more time complaining about the man who is now developing prime, rent-free real estate in the heads of every Democrat in Congress.

It’s also a clear message to the 74+ million people who voted for President Trump that the Democrats hate us and plan on hating us forever.

The entire premise is a joke. Trump didn’t incite a riot, no matter how many times Jake Tapper and the Idiot Chorus at CNN say he did.

There is also the question of whether this circus is even constitutional, which Jeff wrote about yesterday.

Tyler wrote a detailed rundown of the defense brief filed by Trump’s legal team, which also questions whether these proceedings are valid:

The defense brief echoed Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and the 44 other Senate Republicans who voted against holding the impeachment trial, claiming that it is unconstitutional for the Senate to try a former president and therefore a private citizen.

“The Senate is being asked to do something patently ridiculous: try a private citizen in a process that is designed to remove him from an office that he no longer holds,” the brief argues. It claims that if the Senate were to bar Trump from holding public office in the future, that would constitute a bill of attainder, “a legislative act which inflicts punishment without a judicial trial,” violating Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution.

There are obviously more pressing issues that Congress could be dealing with right now. Something like, say, the pandemic they said would take priority under the new administration.

Back to the messaging.

Democrats — especially those in D.C. — keep trying to wish away the millions of people who voted for Trump. They and their media mouthpieces think that if they just keep blowing smoke up Liz Cheney’s you-know-what that we’ll all crave the same attention and fall in line.

What’s actually going to happen is that this second impeachment trial is going to polarize this nation in a way that will make the last four years feel like we were all having a raucous bipartisan hot tub party.

Even the Democrats who understand this don’t care. Every time they get power like this they mistakenly believe that it is going to be forever and they go scorched earth. As we are all aware, present-day Dems are worse than ever before. It’s popular to say that Trump broke them but in reality, they broke themselves.

They’re so far gone that they can’t realize that this impeachment garbage is going to break them even further.

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