Tuesday, June 9, 2020



Democrats are falling over one another to advocate abolishing, or at a minimum defunding, law enforcement. Of course they don’t mean it, and some are already saying that “abolish the police” doesn’t mean actually abolishing the police. It means something like turning them into social workers.
News flash to the Left: police officers are already largely social workers. Our society counts on law enforcement to deal with issues that we don’t want to face or don’t know what to do about, like mental illness and drug addiction. Police officers spend a great deal more time resolving conflicts, easing domestic strife and helping disabled or troubled people than they do chasing criminals.
Still, they do sometimes chase criminals, which is what makes abolishing the police such a stupid idea. Michael Ramirez makes the point well. Click to enlarge:
You can always tell when the Democrats are on the losing side of an issue, because that’s when Republicans “pounce.” If newspapers tell you Republicans are pouncing, you can be sure Democrats are sucking wind on the issue. Thus, this from today’s Star Tribune:
They must have gotten some grief because they later changed the headline, but it is easy to see which way the wind is blowing. Pounce away, Republicans!

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