Thursday, May 7, 2020

Biden Is Above the Fray With Reade As MSM Does His Dirty Work

Biden Is Above the Fray With Reade As MSM Does His Dirty Work

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and former Vice President Joe Biden, participate in a Democratic presidential primary debate at CNN Studios, Sunday, March 15, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
The hack Democratic activists in the American mainstream media are spinning like tops these days, what with having to cover for China regarding the Wuhan Bat Flu, as well as working overtime to make the hoi polloi convinced that the perfectly believable harassment claims against Joe Biden aren’t true.
This past weekend The Hill offered an execrable defense of Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep in an op-ed written by a member of the Democratic National Committee’s rules and bylaws committee. In her opinion, the real problem with Tara Reade’s allegations is the “dangerous weaponization” of them by Republicans.
The piece reads like bad fiction from a freshman composition class. Here’s the relevant chunk of this nonsense that I read so you didn’t have to:
Republicans will undoubtedly try to paint Democrats as “Me Too” hypocrites. But nothing is more dangerous to women’s welfare than Republican attempts to weaponize this issue.
Although Biden’s critics will try to equate the allegations, they are really quite different.
Biden and his campaign have faced and dealt with the accusations from former Senate staffer Tara Reade head-on and in an unequivocal manner. When asked during his first TV interview about the allegations by Reade regarding an incident she says occurred in the early 1990s, Biden declared that the incident “never, never happened.” He further explained in a Medium post that the allegations “aren’t true.”
As a friend in law enforcement pointed out to me recently, an allegation this serious would have surfaced during Biden’s vetting process for vice president. It did not. Former Obama campaign chief strategist David Axelrod recently corroborated this in an op-ed for CNN.
Biden has not disparaged, attacked or tried to discredit Reade or attempted to undermine or question her motives.
The first story about the Reade allegations broke at the end of March. Biden was finally asked a question about it on May 1st and responded with a flat, scripted couple of sentences that involved no follow-up. That’s less meeting the situation “head-on” than “hiding in a corner until the campaign realized it could no longer duck the issue.”
By the way, there are seven other accusers out there who haven’t been addressed at all, let alone met “head on.” You probably shouldn’t hold your breath waiting for Joe and Mika to do another turn with Biden to get to the bottom of these allegations.
The real laugh line there is the one about this not being true because it didn’t come up during Biden’s vetting for the vice-president job. The fact that the always-bloviating David Axelrod milked an entire op-ed out of is proof positive that the Democrats’ are living in one long Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind sequel.
Conservatives and Republican leaders repeatedly pointed out how odd the Kavanaugh allegations were given that fact they seemed like the kinds of things that would have surfaced at some point during his steady rise up through the ranks of the federal judiciary. It all seemed a little too convenient.
Lest anyone accuse me of embracing a double-standard just because it’s now convenient for my side, there is one big difference: Tara Reade filed a formal complaint and Christine Blasey Ford kinda/sort told someone but she was fuzzy on the details.
Biden doesn’t need to disparage his accuser because he has his flying monkeys in the media doing it for him, first by abandoning their #MeToo fervor and ignoring Reade for as long as they could, then by implicating that she’s probably not credible because it seems that she is changing her story. John Sexton debunks the latter claim in detail at our sister site HotAir.
To support her contention that the Republicans are dangerously weaponizing Tara Reade’s allegation, the author proceeds to pretend that the Democrats support full transparency after dragging their feet for over a month before getting Biden to even speak on the subject.
See if you can read this next part without losing your next meal:
After in-depth investigations by The New York TimesThe Washington Post and The Associated Press,  not one person Reade said she told about this incident in Biden’s Senate office could corroborate her story. Some even said they did not remember her.
The investigations did not find any credible pattern of misconduct by Biden, either.
If you truly believe that any of those — ahem — news organizations conducted an “in-depth” investigation regarding this matter then I’m just left wondering how many times you’ve fallen for the Nigerian prince email scam. This piece in The Hill was written almost a full week after more witnesses corroborated Reade’s claims, so there’s that.
And bless their biased little hearts, they managed to not find “any credible pattern of misconduct” by Biden.
I guess that works if we’re defining credible as “not convenient for our narrative.”
There are decades of photographic evidence of Biden uncomfortably grabbing and sniffing girls and women. This guy has Stage Five Creeper written all over him. There’s even a new allegation that he complimented a fourteen-year-old girl on being “well endowed.”
Sure seems like misconduct to me.

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