Tuesday, March 24, 2020

In crisis there is opportunity, and the left wants to seize it

The left must see COVID-19 as a fabulous and fortuitous opportunity to accomplish a host of things they’ve been wishing for and hoping for.
They believe it will destroy Trump, hurt the economy, and convince people that big government and Democrats must take over. A fearful populace is a malleable populace, so fanning the flames of fear is good. And of course, elites know best – and nearly all elites are leftist these days.
I don’t think this virus was engineered and purposely released, as some people do. Whether it even escaped accidentally from a Chinese lab is very iffy. But whatever happened, the left is purposefully taking advantage of it.
And this may be as good a place as any to insert the following (hat tip: Ace).
1/As a San Francisco resident and business owner, I’m wondering–can I trust the health judgments of leaders who let thousands live on the streets in their filth? And if we are now getting homeless into shelter, why couldn’t that have happened earlier? Doesn’t their health count?
2/ All of a sudden we are supposed to accept 24-hour curfews “for your own safety” from people who order the police to stand down when Antifa & friends beat the hell out of taxpayers; people who refuse to enforce laws they don’t like (death penalty, bail, property crimes) …/
3/ City leaders who literally give wanted alien criminals a public heads up when ICE is about to conduct raids are now telling me what’s best, declaring a death penalty for businesses, no hearings or due process?! Forgive me if I don’t fall right into line with the fascism …/
4/ which seems awfully situational. The Governor’s suggestions yesterday that older and vulnerable people take extra care and stay inside seemed reasonable. Liberal city leaders decided to seize the opportunity and throw the whole economy into a tailspin as collateral damage …/
5/ but don’t worry — we’ll soon have a government sponsored bailout for favored groups soon, funded with a tax increase crammed down the throats of the dwindling number of taxpayers. Homeless go back to the streets, illegal alien criminals get sanctuary, car break-one continue…

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