Monday, September 23, 2019

Cultural Civil War

Cultural Civil War

Victor Davis Hanson is a professor of classics emeritus at California State University at Fresno. He valiantly remains on America's deteriorating frontline as California leaps into the abyss of Third World oblivion. His latest dispatch is "Trump's total culture war."

He sees President Donald John Trump waging a Kulturkampf, a nod to the 19th century struggle between the Catholic church and the Imperial German government. It was part of Bismarck's plan to add Catholic-dominated states to Germany. Secularism won the day.

The rest of Europe largely followed his lead and today you have a continent thirsting for a religion. It is not coincidental that the secularists are importing Muslims. Today's acceptance of the Burkini may become tomorrow's command. Don't kid yourself. Sinners convert. In his youth, Osama bin Laden was a hedonist.

America is on a different path.

Hanson wrote, "The real source of Trump derangement syndrome is his desire to wage a multifront pushback -- politically, socially, economically and culturally -- against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world. Contemporary elites increasingly see nationalism and patriotism as passe. Borders are 19th century holdovers."

This is a power struggle.

Globalism removes government from accountability. Consider education. Local school boards once controlled them. Then state governments used money by the billions to gain control. Then the federal government used billions to gain control.

Don't like the school lunch menu? Go to Washington to change it. The cook can't.

Under President Trump's control, the federal education department gave back some control of lunch menus.

He is a busy man. Hanson noted, "No slugfest is too off-topic or trivial for Trump. Sometimes that means calling out former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick for persuading NFL stars to kneel during the national anthem. Huge, monopolistic Silicon Valley companies are special Trump targets. Sometimes Trump enters cul-de-sac Twitter wars with Hollywood has-beens who have attacked him and his policies."

This inspires others to push back. Bill Barr and Corey Lewandowski called the bluff of congressional Democrats when ordered to testify. I watched them and remembered the Slim Pickens line from Blazing Saddles, "Screw you! I'm working for Mel Brooks!"

Leaders inspire. Conservatives finally are rising from the canvas.

Republican governors and state legislators placed severe restrictions on abortion. They are telling women you get a month after your missed period to decide.

The Republican states also are requiring abortionists to run sanitary operations and be accepted to practice at a local hospital. They finally are making Planned Parenthood and its competitors fulfill the promise in Roe v. Wade of safe abortions.

President Trump succeeded in de-funding Planned Parenthood by making them tell women they have a real choice between abortion and adoption. The abortionists decided to pass on the money.

Hanson wrote, "For all the acrimony and chaos -- and prognostications of Trump's certain failure -- a bloodied Trump wins more than he loses. NATO members may hate Trump, but more are finally paying their promised defense contributions."

We said of Sarah Palin, she fights.

President Trump does not just fight. He wins. He took the battle to the liberals. You cannot have a Cultural Civil War if one side refuses to fight back.

Hanson wrote, "In a way, the left-wing Democratic presidential candidates understand Trump best. If he wins his one-man crusade to stop the progressive project, they are finished, and their own party will make the necessary adjustments and then sheepishly drift back toward the center."

Bring it on. Our numbers grow stronger. Winning is a magnet.

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