Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Knife Violence on the Rise in Germany

Rescue blankets cover up spilled blood on the pavement near Rosenheimer Platz in Munich, Germany, 21 October 2017, after several people were attacked and injured by an unknown suspect with a knife. (Andreas Gebert/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images)
While this country is embroiled in a shouting match over gun violence, Germany finds itself in an internal debate about the rise in knife violence. Unlike this country, though, many in Germany seem to be focused on finding the root cause and, hence, the solution. As The Local reports of Germany, "police statistics [show] that refugees and asylum seekers are significantly over-represented in violent crime statistics."
Titled "String of knife attacks further fuels debate over refugees and violence," the article begins by listing a series of violent knife attacks. Almost all of the attacks were done by male teenage refugees. The listed knife attacks are disturbing and the article concludes with the statement, "At least seven knife attacks were recorded last weekend alone." The article then adds, "the prevalence of asylum seekers as suspects in these crimes has given voice to those who say the government's liberal refugee policies have made the country less safe."
While there are undoubtedly leftists in Germany pushing back on ascribing the rising knife violence to refugees, it is refreshing that a country is seemingly interested in finding the actual problem instead of blaming knives—something that leftists in America would do well to imitate.
In an earlier article, I wrote about how guns have been around for as long as there have been schools in this country. In fact, previous generations openly carried guns to school. That fact means that the rise in gun violence in schools is not due to the presence of guns. In the article, I then explained that "when looking for solutions to problems, you need to first deal with variables that were introduced around the time the problem began. Guns are not the actual problem, and treating them as the actual problem will help ensure that the problem will never be solved."
Whatever flaws the country of Germany may have, it at least appears that on this issue they're willing to have a meaningful debate. By way of contrast, if The Local's article about the rise of knife violence were written about this country, it's easy to imagine that the thesis would've been: "the prevalence of knives is causing the rise in knife violence."
Of course, that thesis would never come close to even acknowledging that people in this country have always had knives. Knives would not be the problem, just like knives are not the problem in Germany. Shamefully, though, instead of doing the hard and uncomfortable work of attempting to discern the real problem, leftists in this country would take the easy route of blaming the symptoms. Marches would be organized demanding that Congress craft new legislation regulating knives. As a result, the actual problem would never be dealt with and never be solved.
My claims within my hypothetical placement of this country into The Local's article about the rise of knife violence are easy to make and, what's more, are valid. Substitute guns for knives and my hypothetical about this country ceases to be hypothetical. The current gun violence arguments in this country are a stunning contrast to the way many in Germany are debating the rise of knife violence in their country.
Instead of participating in pointless protests aimed at the symptoms instead of the actual problem, leftists in this country should pay attention to how Germans are debating the rise of knife violence in their country.

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