Wednesday, October 25, 2017



Fusion GPS and its Trump Dossier seem to me something like the Rosetta Stone for the fabricated hysteria over the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with the Russians. Fusion GPS principals have pleaded the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incirmination against inquiries posed by the House Intelligence Committee. I quoted Kim Strassel’s Wall Street Journal column reporting on what transpired behind closed doors in “The Fusion collusion.”Kim reported the apparent collusion of Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff with Fusion’s elaborate shenanigans.
The bank records of Fusion GPS have been subpoenaed from TD Bank in an attempt to ascertain what they show. Fusion GPS objects to the production of the bank records and has advanced some wacky arguments to prevent enforcement of the subpoena. The Daily Caller’s Richard Pollock reports on the unamused response of House general counsel Thomas Hungar in support of enforcement of the subpoena.
Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge asked Senator Tom Cotton about the Trump Dossier yesterday at a Hudson Institute Forum. Senator Cotton is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. In his response he briefly recounted public events and drew inferences (video below). Chuck Ross posted the video excerpt and wrote up the exchange for the Daily Callerhere.

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