Wednesday, February 8, 2017



The behavior of many liberals since Donald Trump’s election has been appalling–not to mention, in some cases, criminal. It is also, in some respects, puzzling. A case in point was a town meeting conducted last night by Congressman Tom McClintock in Roseville, California. Liberal activists attended the meeting and behaved so boorishly and so threateningly that theCongressman had to be escorted from the hall by armed policemen.
Another disgusting moment in the history of liberalism, but this is what I find mystifying:
“I can no longer just sit back. I believe in the Constitution. I was an infantryman in Vietnam. I fought for this. These people need to understand, we want them out,” said Vietnam War veteran Lon Varvel, referring to Trump and McClintock.
“We want them out”? There is a mechanism for that. It is called an election. In fact, McClintock is just two weeks into his current term. He was re-elected in November, with more than double the vote total of his nearest Democratic challenger. Obviously, a majority of McClintock’s constituents don’t want him out.
Likewise with Donald Trump. He is a mere two weeks into his four-year term. “They need to understand we want them out”? No. The Democrats need to understand that when you lose an election, the other guys get to take office. You don’t stamp your feet and demand that they quit.
Two weeks into Barack Obama’s first term, I wanted him out, too. But so what? He won the election, and he served his term in office. Do Democrats seriously not understand this? Or is the problem that they reject the most basic principles of democracy?

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