Saturday, February 27, 2016

When There Is No Excuse

When There Is No Excuse

by John Schroedert
This Monty Python sketch is funny precisely because those being interrogated can never tell the truth.   We never learn if they did anything actually wrong, but they just make stupid excuse after stupid excuse.
One is tempted to laugh similarly at the EPA of the Gold King Mine Spill in Colorado, save that the consequences are so dire.  Congressman Rob Bishop (R – Utah) took to the Washington Times yesterday to demonstrate that the EPA is, if not engaged in active cover-up, so poorly managed that straightforward explanations are impossible to find.  It is pretty technical stuff, but in the words of Otter….
I am trying to tell this tale with laughs because of how ultimately pathetic it really is.
The guys in that Monty Python sketch did not try and divert the attention of their accusers, but that seems to be part of the plan at EPA.  Yesterday we learned that they have granted $15K to university students to put together a program to help the poor insulate their homes with garbage.  (Look MA!  In order for you to not be so angry that I killed the cat, I have hung the dog up by its tail.)  No, nothing could go wrong with that plan.  (You know, when I was in college I did some analytical work on shredded newspaper used as insulation to determine if fire retardants were actually present in the insulation or whether the insulation had exacerbated a fire that resulted in a death.)
Forget climate change being more about politics than science, similar things are happening on much smaller scales, as “environmental justice” becomes a thing.  “Environmental Justice” is the idea that poorer communities suffer from pollution more than wealthier communities.  Under this guise environmental infractions that might previously have resulted in a “fixit ticket” when done in designated neighborhoods are now major crimes.
The EPA, and many similar agencies on local and state levels, are out-of-control.  For many of the local and state agencies they have no choice.  They operate under grants of authority from the EPA, and are forced to toe the line even if they see plainly the silliness, if not danger (think Colorado again), associated with the EPA’s approach.  Rather than deal with real pollution and its dire consequences, the EPA is using all the force at its disposal as a tool for social engineering.  (But then what do you think people had in mind for Obamacare?)
This is truly frightening stuff.

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