Monday, March 2, 2015


Yeah, I know, a headline about liberal hypocrisy is not exactly a man-bites-dog story, but I understand some starlet at the Oscars last night (I didn’t watch, for about the 30th year in a row) bleated about inequality in wages between men and women. I wonder if she’s had a look at womens’ wages in Obama’s White House, or in Hillary Clinton’s Senate office.
Mark Perry has done the work that the media won’t, and it isn’t pretty for the SJW types who can’t shut up about the wage gap. Here’s the chart Mark has made for Hillary’s Senate staff:
Perry 1 copy
Mark adds:
Hillary Clinton can’t have it both ways, either: a) there are gender pay differences throughout the entire economy and in any organization including her Senate staff, which can be explained by factors other than gender discrimination including age, years of continuous work experience, level of education, number of hours worked, marital status, number of children, workplace environment and workplace safety, industry differences, etc., or b) any gender pay gap in aggregate, unadjusted salaries automatically exposes gender discrimination – including Sen. Clinton’s staff – and Clinton then needs to explain why she was “waging a war on her female Senate staffers” by paying them 28% less on average than men (and 3.5 times greater than the 9.2% average gender pay gap for Washington, D.C.).
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But wait—there’s more! Guess what the pay gap between men and women working in Obama’s White House? Here:
Perry 2 copyMark can’t resist piling on, and why not:
So while the president brags in presidential proclamations about fighting for equal pay and gender equality, he might want to investigate and address his own glass ceiling for federal female employees working on his staff at the White house. Paraphrasing the president’s own words from his 2014 State of the Union speech, “You know, today, women make up about half our White House workforce, but they still make only 86.7 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it’s an embarrassment.”
Unfortunately, because of the glass ceiling at the White House, women working on Obama’s staff must work much longer than their male colleagues to earn the same amount of pay. The typical female White House staffer who earned $65,650 last year will have to work about two additional months into 2015 to earn the same income that the typical man earned working at the White House last year ($75,750). In the tradition of the National Committee on Pay Equity which identifies and recognizes “Equal Pay Day” every year (and which has been endorsed annually by President Obama with presidential proclamations every year since he was elected) I hereby proclaim that White House Equal Pay Day will take place this year next week on Friday, February 27, 2014. That date symbolizes how far into the 2015 calendar year a typical female White House staffer will have to continue working – slightly more than 38 days — to earn the same income that her male counterpart earned last year. By recognizing White House Equal Pay Day, we can bring attention to the glass ceiling at the White House and highlight the injustice of the gender wage gap at the White House.
Heh.  Someone should josh Earnest with a question about this, and watch him change the subject.

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