Thursday, January 5, 2012

More on the NY Times gun lie… and media lies in general

More on the NY Times gun lie… and media lies in general

 By: Bob 

Glenn Reynolds has collected blog posts debunking Micheal Luo’s anti-gun propaganda the published yesterday in the New York Times.

It’s pathetic how nakedly modern “journalists” serve the pursuit of ideological conversion through propaganda, instead of simply reporting the facts. Of course, that assumes that journalists were ever interested in reporting just the facts, and there is no indication that such a time ever really existed.
It’s easy for people to look at areas in which they specialize and find the lies that editors and journalists pass off as “news,” but what people are afraid to do is consider is that the rest of the news is just as blinkered.

What we have here is just one story of hundreds published in the Times this week that has been conclusively debunked.

What would happen if all of the stories in the Times – or the Washington Post, or your local newspaper or television news –  were subject to the sort of expert scrutiny as this Luo article, in a given day or week? What percentage of reporting would we discover is marginally biased, seriously slanted, or even fabricated?

I strongly suspect that the resulting scrutiny would reveal a dark and ugly secret that the media isn’t remotely interested in reporting the news, it’s interested in shaping the news, and your perception of the world.

Ponder that the next time you read the news. Those writing it chose and shape the stories they publish not because these are the only stories worth publishing, but because these are the stories that can be shaped to serve their needs.

If you doubt this, please tell me how much you’ve read (for example) about Operation Fast and Furious outside of the blogosphere, and ask yourself if a Republican government would still be standing after orchestrating crimes that left hundreds of citizens of a neighboring state dead.

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