Sunday, November 6, 2011

OWS Protesters Attempt to Storm AFP Defending the American Dream Summit

#OWS Protesters Attempt to Storm AFP Defending the American Dream Summit

“Occupy DC” protesters just attempted to force their way into the Washington Convention Center where the Americans for Prosperity Foundation is holding its Ronald Reagan tribute dinner for the “Defending the American Dream Summit.” I was in the middle of the scrum of smelly hippies when they stormed the doors and have multiple photos and video which I’m uploading now.
UPDATE: Smelly hippies chant “We are the 99%” while attempting to force their way into the building:

UPDATE II: A couple of AFP supporters who were attending the dinner and had stepped outside to watch the protesters marching, got caught in the mob when the protesters rushed the doors:

You can see Michelle Fields, a video producer for the Daily Caller, next to the policeman.
UPDATE III: Another brief video showing the chanting frenzied mob:

So you have the sights and sounds of “civil disobedience,” and are fortunately spared the smell.
UPDATE IV: Welcome, Instapundit readers! It’s stuff like this that makes you nostalgic for the Good Old Days of real police brutality.
UPDATE V: After the storm-the-doors stunt, the smelly hippies deployed to block adjacent street corners and chant stupid slogans:

A Republican consultant (who shall not be named) said: “I’ve never seen so many losers in my life.” Truly, it was LoserFest 2011.

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