Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Teaser on real cause of Gulf spill

(The rest of column Tuesday) BYRON YORK: Enamored With Wind, Obama Ignored Drilling Risks. “The problem was, Obama and Salazar were more interested in pursuing their vision of a clean energy future. Under Obama, the Minerals Management Service, driven by a strongly ideological commitment to green energy sources such as wind and solar power, chose to stress ‘renewables’ while de-emphasizing the tough and dirty work of managing the nation’s existing offshore oil wells. . . . Salazar chose Elizabeth Birnbaum to head the MMS in large part because of her record of environmental and green-energy advocacy. . . . Birnbaum came in for heavy criticism of MMS’ handling of the Deepwater Horizon/BP Gulf oil project. The general tone of the critique was that MMS had not paid enough attention to regulating such environmentally sensitive undertakings. What received less attention was why that attention wasn’t paid, and that was because Interior and MMS were busy pushing offshore renewable energy projects.”

Posted at 9:59 am by Glenn Reynolds http://pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/101233/

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