Thursday, March 25, 2010

The polls don't lie--people don't like it

Why Wait?

This morning, Republicans Steve King and Michele Bachmann (there may be other sponsors too) introduced legislation to repeal Obamacare.

Mark Tapscott points out how deep a hole the Democrats have to climb out of to get the public on board with government medicine, based on CNN polling over the weekend:

* 59% oppose the Democrats' health care bill, while only 39% favor it.

* 70% say the federal budget deficit will go up under the Democrats' health care bill; only 12% believe it will go down.

* 56% say the bill creates "too much government involvement in the nation's health care system," 28% say about the right amount, while 16% say not enough.

* 62% say they'll pay more for medical care under the Democrats' health care bill.

* 47% say they and their families will be worse off under the Democrats' health care bill; 33% say things will be about the same, and only 19% think they'll be better off.

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