Sunday, January 3, 2010

WH response time: terrorist vs. Cheney...

White House takes four days to respond to terror attack, but responds to Cheney criticism in matter of hours?

By: Mark Hemingway

David's post below on the White House's decision to accuse of all people, Dick Cheney, of being insufficiently critical of al Qaeda beggars belief. As Jim Geraghty quipped, "He's beyond condemning [bomber Abdulmutallab]; he wants to waterboard him until his lungs qualify for a federal wetlands status." We all agree al Qaeda's attempts to blow up airplanes are bad -- the question is what is the current occupant of the White House going to do about it?

But what I can't wrap my head around is that it took the President four days to acknowledge what he termed a "catastrophic" national security failure, but Cheney criticizes the administration's handling of the war on terror and they have a rapid response on the White House blog in a matter of hours? Priorities!...

Read the rest:

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